When we provide pricing for custom products, the cost is solely for the product itself. Any additional tasks, such as handling, packaging, or reassembly, will incur extra charges. Here are a few scenarios to highlight this:

  • Complex Packaging: If a lipstick tube arrives wrapped in paper, then packed in one box, and then further inside another box or bag, this additional unpacking process requires time. There will be an additional cost for this manual handling.

  • Standard Packaging: The base price we provide assumes standard packaging, which includes two components—a box with a lid and a base. If products (e.g., lipstick) come with the base and cap assembled together, and we need to separate them, this extra handling will require additional labor hours and therefore, additional cost.

  • Additional Packaging: If a customer requests that we pack their product into more boxes than the standard, each additional box will be priced between $1.50 and $3.00, depending on the type of box.

  • Using Original Packaging: If the customer prefers that we pack the products back into the original boxes they were sent in, we can do this at no extra cost.

It's important to communicate to our customers that our pricing assumes they supply everything except for the product. We do not include the cost of any packaging components in our base price. However, if customers wish to send their own packaging, we are happy to use it at no extra charge.

Please ensure that when discussing pricing with customers, they understand these additional costs upfront, as we always strive to offer the most competitive prices in the market.